Client: Independent Group NL / RoundOak Minerals

Construction and commissioning of the mine site, including dam construction and ongoing ore haulage.  As a major contractor on site the scope of work included; earthworks, dust suppression, site clearing and construction of mine site dams and roads.

Project Timeline: 2004 – Current

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Scope of works:

Bundarra were initially engaged in the construction of the mine site and associated dams and tail dam lifts back in 2004.  After the successful completion of the construction Bundarra’s contract was extended to include the haulage of the ore from the mine site to the crushers.

More recently ongoing projects have included road construction and maintenance and the construction of the second Bentley mine site (part of the larger Jaguar site).

The 100% long-term employment of local Aboriginal people over an extended period of time has provided considerable economic benefit to the local communities and towns surrounding the mine site as well as positive engagement with the local Aboriginal community.  Whilst the Aboriginal employees are able to provide better living conditions and lifestyles for their families.

Real Local Benefits:

The continuous engagement of Bundarra, and the employment of local Aboriginal contractors, at the mine site has provided a real life-benefit to the local communities and the small towns benefit economically.